Homeownership Resources

www.capsh.org  Community Action Partnership of Suburban Hennepin
Community Action Partnership of Suburban Hennepin is a community action agency working in all of Suburban Hennepin County.  They offer services to individuals through outreach, energy assistance programs, homeownership services and financial counseling.

www.fhfund.org  Family Housing Fund
The Family Housing Fund is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide safe, affordable, sustainable homes to families and children in the Twin Cities metropolitan area through ongoing partnerships with the public and private sector.

www.housinglink.org  Housinglink
Housinglink provides affordable rental housing information for the Twin Cities and selected regions of Minnesota including service agencies, housing providers, and policymakers.

www.hocmn.org  Home Ownership Center
The Home Ownership Center promotes sustainable home ownership for low and moderate income Minnesotans through the development and delivery of quality, standardized education, counseling, and related support services.  This website lists homebuyer education courses and organizations throughout the Twin Cities metropolitan area.

www.housingresourcecenter.org  Housing Resource Centers
Assists with flexible financing tools to complete home improvement projects, assists owners through the complex construction process when renovating their homes, and assists individuals and families become new homeowners.

www.iocp.org  Interfaith Outreach & Community Partners
IOCP serves people in Hamel, Long Lake, Medicine Lake, Medina, Minnetonka Beach, Orono, Plymouth, and Wayzata responding to people’s basic needs for food, housing, child care, employment, transportation, and connections to community resources.
www.mnhousing.gov  Minnesota Housing Finance Agency
The state housing agency helps people buy their first homes or fix up their existing homes as well as help build and fix up affordable apartments, single family homes, shelters, and supportive housing.

www.mhponline.org   Minnesota Housing Partnership
Minnesota Housing Partnership is a nonprofit organization that increases the capacity of nonprofits and rural communities to create, preserve, and promote affordable housing.

www.tchabitat.org   Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity
Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity’s mission is to eliminate poverty housing from the Twin Cities and to make decent, affordable shelter for all people a matter of conscience.  Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity lists additional services and the process to apply for a Habitat home on this website.

www.lisc.org/twin_cities  Twin Cities Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Twin Cities LISC combines corporate, government, and philanthropic support to provide Community Development Corporations (CDCs) with financial tools, technical assistance, and policy support to build strong, durable organizations; transform neighborhoods through physical and economic development; build community beyond bricks and mortar; and support a strong community development environment.